Saturday, August 1, 2009

SCW Live Event Results 08.01.09

SCW Live Event – 08.01.09

Location: National Guard Armory in Winder, GA

The set up was reminiscent of an 80s wrestling show. The ring was surrounded by three sets of crowds. The crowds were set up as two rows and then a set of bleachers behind them for general admission. On the side of the ring without a crowd was a stage with a desk for commentary-expert Joey Kidman. Behind the stage was a huge curtain with the SCW logo on it.

Joey Kidman began the show by thanking the fans in attendance for showing up. Joey brought up his history in the business calling matches for “just about every wrasslin’ promotion that the south has been home to.” Joey then invited SCW Owner Ken Wisenbaker out.

Ken brought with him a metal briefcase. Ken also thanked the fans and presented to them what he called the Southern Heritage Championship! Ken explained that an eight man tournament will be conducted over the next couple of shows to determine the first ever Southern Heritage Champion.

That brought out “The Southern Gentleman” Brad Powers. Brad had this to say:

“Let’s face it brother, y’might as well put that belt around this here waist ‘cause that’s where it’ll end up anyhow. I’ve been in just about every promotion the south has seen in the last decade and I’ve been the top dog in each one. This one won’t be no different.”
Ken happily announced that Brad was the number one seed in the tournament, which managed to placate the Southern Gentleman’s ego. Powers was immediately thrown for a loop when Ken decided to introduce the number two seed, “The Gambler” Colby Castle!

Colby then came out to address Brad Powers. Colby said this:

“Now I know I’m fairly new to this whole Georgia-scene, despite being a Georgia-man myself, but I’ll say this: the cards are dealt and buddy I got a pair of pocket faces for ya. This one ain’t over ‘til all the chips are in! I’ll see ya at the river Powers.”

Powers laughed Castle off and exited stage left promptly. Colby nodded disapprovingly and left as well. Ken thanked the fans again before leaving, allowing Joey Kidman to introduce the inaugural Southern Championship Wrestling match!


The Carolina Connection (Jeremy Anderson & Davey Jackson)


Aiden Land & Mario Petrelli


The Carolina Connection found there way to SCW by way of Carolinas Pro Wrestling. Land and Petrelli were two rosters members who got in via the working agreement with Tully Nixon’s School of Grappling.

The two students found themselves easily outmatched by the veteran Carolina Connection. Anderson and Jackson worked over the kids with traditional-style tag wrestling. By separating Aiden from Mario, the Connection was able to make quick work of the students, finishing Aiden off well before the ten minute mark with a bearhug (by Davey)/running clothesline (by Jeremy) combo known to wrestling fans in the Carolinas as the Compacter.

RESULT: The Carolina Connection win via pin w/ the Compacter.

Afterwards the Carolina Connection made their way to Joey Kidman. Jeremy had a few quick words for the fans:

“Quite frankly we don’t give a damn about what you think of us, just know that we’re going to dominate this territory just like everywhere else we’ve been.”

Up next, Joey Kidman announced the first match in the Southern Heritage Championship Tournament.


[Southern Heritage Championship Tournament – Round One]

Chett “The Hangman” Hawkins


Miguel Rodriguez


Before getting in the ring, Chett ripped the microphone from Joey’s hand to address Miguel:

“Look here boy, you got the option now of gettin’ out that damn ring ‘fore I tied ya up wit’ mah rope!”

Chett swung the rope menacingly but the Superstar from South of the Border was not fazed. Chett grinned at the opportunity to send Miguel back south and entered the ring.

With the match underway, Miguel tried to counteract the size and strength of Hawkins with quickness and agility. Miguel kept one step ahead of Chett in the early goings of the match, managing to take the Hangman off his feet on more than one occasion. Flustered, Hawkins wildly swung with a lariat that nearly decapitated Rodriguez. From there on the Texan took control.

Chett utilized his power for several pin attempts, most notably with a full nelson slam that came oh-so-close. Another lariat attempt by Chett was countered with a flying forearm by Rodriguez and it seemed that Miguel was poised for a comeback! Chett, however, countered a flying bodypress by Rodriguez rather impressively by catching Miguel and then maneuvering him into position for the Texas Tower Bomb that got the Hangman the victory.

RESULT: Chett “The Hangman” Hawkins wins via pin w/ the Texas Tower Bomb.

Chett returned to the stage afterwards and again ripped the microphone away from Joey Kidman. Chett addressed the crowd:

“Let this be a lesson for the rest of yehs!”

Joey Kidman took a moment to thank some of the sponsors of tonight’s event and encouraged the fans to check out the merchandise table. Joey also thanked the SCW Live Event Street Team for their efforts in promoting tonight’s event. While doing this, a smug Preston Booth, III made his way to the stage.

“Hello, again, Georgia! I need not introduce myself because you already know who the Southern Aristocrat is. I’ve made a habit of taking over every area I’ve been too with my “collection” Joey Kidman, and Southern Championship Wrestling won’t be any different. You see tonight, I’ve brought with me a creature from the deepest, darkest corner of the Congo.”

With those words a massive black man stepped out. Piercing adorned his nose, ears, and eyebrows. White paint striped his forehead.

“Now you may look and laugh at my predator, but I assure you that would be most unwise. For you see in the past some people have paraded out monsters from the continent Africa as jokes. My Kumanji, however, is a true beast in every sense of the word. In fact, he’s already a part of this little championship tournament we got going on. I don’t know who’s been the unlucky individual to draw the Creature from the Congo, but tonight just simply wasn’t his lucky night.”

On that note Preston guided the massive Kumanji to the ring. As he did so, the number two seed in the tournament, Colby Castle, made his way to the stage.

“Hell of a draw Kidman, hell of a draw! That’s alright though because life’s a gamble buddy, ANTE UP!”


[Southern Heritage Championship Tournament – Round One]

“The Gambler” Colby Castle


Kumanji w/ Preston Booth, III


Colby kicked the match off by trying to outmaneuver the 400+ lb giant. Utilizing a series of quick strikes and dropkicks, Colby managed to control the first portion of the match. That all changed however as Preston Moore, III distracted Colby from a high risk maneuver off of the turnbuckle that allowed Kumanji to send the Gambler to the floor.

From there Kumanji slowed the pace of the match way down with a nerve-pinch, cited by Joey Kidman as the African Nerve Pinch. Using a collection of power moves, such as a running avalanche splash, Kumanji managed to wear down the clear crowd favorite. A bearhug by the Creature from the Congo seemed to spell doom for Castle, but with the crowd support behind him, the Gambler fought his way out! Colby mounted the turnbuckles and nailing a flying bodypress, but it wasn’t enough as Kumanji easily pressed out.

Colby attempted his finisher, the Royal Flush (known also as an Olympic Slam), but the giant Kumanji was too heavy. Kumanji quickly turned the tide again thanks to another distraction from his manager and managed to get Colby in position for the Congo Splash (a corner slingshot splash). However, Colby quickly came to and managed to grab a hold of Kumanji and press off the giant off the turnbuckles with the Royal Flush! That was enough to garner a semi-final match for Colby Castle!

RESULT: “The Gambler” Colby Castle wins via pin w/ the Royal Flush

Colby signed a few autographs for the fans as Joey Kidman announced a 15-minute intermission.

After intermission two thugs, as best as they can be described, approached the stage. Joey Kidman introduced them as K-Murda and Lil’ Shan (pronounced “Shawn”), the 404 Mafia. Lil’ Shan took the microphone first.

“Watchit cracka. Look here, all you bitches can hate us all you want, but da 404 Mafia is here to represent dat A-T-L, ya heard? We gon’ be wig-splittin’ crackas and house nuccas all up in dis, OK?”

K-Murda then spoke his piece.

“Ya’ll listen up. This is fo’ real. We ain’t here for games. I’m here ta hurt some people, OK? I’m here to make ya bleed and get my chedda’. What _YOU_ need to do honkey (K-Murda poked Kidman), is get that _OTHER_ honkey out here so dat we can find out what we need ta do ta get some gold around our waist.”

Before Kidman could call Wisenbaker out though, the crowd popped pretty huge for Mikey Cox and Jimmy Swann, the Cruisers! Swann spoke his mind:

“Now you don’t wrestle in the south and not hear a word or two about the 404 Mafia. I’ve heard it all. You’re two bad as hell, tough as nails, street thugs with a hell of a record – and I mean both in the sport and in jail. Funny thing is though, we’ve been wrestling in the south for just about as long as you two have and wouldn’t you know it, we’ve never actually been in the ring against one another. So Mikey and myself are sitting in the back, wondering just why we’re here, and then we hear little Webster over there running off at the mouth. Well I tell you what, we do our talking in the ring. Why don’t you join us?”

Swann tossed the mic to Lil’ Shan and then he, alongside Mikey Cox, entered the ring and beckoned to the 404 Mafia. Shan said this, before entering the ring:

“I know those two crackas just try us like that. Let’s do this Murda.”


The 404 Mafia (Lil’ Shan & K-Murda)


The Cruisers (Mikey Cox & Jimmy Swann)


A brawl immediately erupted in the ring for this first-time showdown between two well-known southern tag teams! Cox and Shan paired off and brawled around the ringside area while Swann and K-Murda went at each other in the ring. A bell was rung, but there was little in the way of any control.

While inside the ring the brawling was fairly within the realm of the rules, outside was another story. Shan had no qualms bringing a steel chair down across Cox’s back and, later, Cox had no qualms returning the favor. Shan managed to bust Cox open by ramming Cox into the steel post.

Inside the ring, a bulldog by Swann probably could have secured a victory but the heat that somehow exploded out of nowhere between the teams refused to let it end like that. The brawling continued.

After over ten minutes of straight carnage, the referee gave up and threw the match out. Thinking that a simple ringing of the bell would end the carnage was poor judgment, however, as the brawl continued! A flood of referees and Tully Nixon-students was what it took to finally separate the two teams.

RESULT: No Contest

Joey Kidman took a second to breathe, apologize for the madness that had just ensued. Ken Wisenbaker made a return to the stage to speak his mind.

“What you just saw is not how we plan on running things here, and you can bet your bottom dollar both teams are going to have some fines to pay before the end of the day. That said it’s obvious that a problem has emerged between both the Cruisers and the 404 Mafia. If business has to be settled, let’s settle it. I tell you what, next time we’re here we’ll see K-Murda take on Mikey Cox in singles action. How does that sound?”

The fans roared with approval!

Joey Kidman plugged the merchandise table as the young Andy Cade made his way to the stage. With Andy was the beautiful Lady Lila, his valet. Andy, nicknamed “Florida’s Finest,” sported blue and orange wrestling shorts. The crowd responded negatively in kind.

“Haha, you can hate all you want boys. Florida’s Finest’ is invading the Bulldog Nation and there isn’t one thing you can do about it. As a young, athletic, educated black man in America, I have to compete against the biggest the world has to offer, so let me assure that a bunch of dumb, inbred, redneck, Bulldog loving hicks like yourselves won’t bother me one bit. And – hey FAT BOY, keep your eyes off the lady before I come over there and stomp your ass like we did your team last year! Yeah that’s what I thought. Anyway, as I was saying. I don’t know who Wisenbaker has lined up for me in this Southern Heritage Championship tournament, and I don’t really care, because excellence is something that UF instills in all its alum, and excellence is what’s going to take me to the Southern Heritage Championship. Let’s go baby.”

Andy approached the ring but quickly returned to the stage to add:

“And oh yeah, GO GATORS!”


[Southern Heritage Championship Tournament – Round One]

Florida’s Finest” Andy w/ Lady Lila


“Big Texas” Billy Murdoch


Big Texas did not indulge in the pageantries. Murdoch stormed the ring, tossing his ten-gallon hat and black vest to the side, and drilled Cade with a big boot. Murdoch quickly grabbed Cade, slung Cade over his (Murdoch’s) shoulder, and drove Cade into the mat with the Oil Driller (a sitout side powerslam)! That sealed the deal quickly for the big man.

RESULT: “Big Texas” Billy Murdoch wins via pin w/ the Oil Driller

It seemed like Kidman wanted a word with Billy Murdoch, but Murdoch simply stormed to right to back, leaving Andy Cade unconscious in the ring with a visibly shaken Lady Lila.


[Southern Heritage Championship Tournament – Round One]

“Hotshot” Stevie Daniels


“The Southern Gentleman” Brad Powers


Neither man asked for promo time and thus the main event got underway! The match kicked off with a long series of chain wrestling! Powers tried to keep the usually explosive and high flying Daniels grounded, but Daniels was able to match Powers hold-for-hold!

Inevitably the years and expertise of Powers won out, and Powers began to work the leg. Brad at one point locked Daniels in a Texas Cloverleaf for an extended amount of time. The fiery Daniels would not submit, however, and eventually was saved by the ropes. Powers continued the assault on Daniels leg however, effectively grounding the high flyer.

However, the courageous Daniels refused to given in and the frustrated Powers resorted to underhanded tactics to gain the win. Numerous times Powers poked the eye or attempted a pin following a variation of a neckbreaker (something of specialty for Powers) with two feet on the ropes.

Daniels managed to counter a vertical suplex with a sunset flip. While it didn’t get the pin, it was good enough to shift the momentum in the Hotshot’s direction! A series of ranas sent Powers to the outside. Daniels didn’t let the Southern Gentleman powder for long, as Daniels slingshotted himself outside onto Powers! The match quickly degraded into a brawl as both men slugged it out on the floor.

They finally re-entered the ring and Daniels scored his umpteenth near-fall off of a victory roll. Daniels went up top to attempt a high flying maneuver, but Powers kicked the ropes which caused Daniels to not only lose his balance, but crash hard to the floor outside the ring!

The referee checked in on Daniels but Powers would not relent. Powers quickly rolled Daniels into the ring and nailed the Hotshot with the Headcracker (a legdrop bulldog)! It was just enough for Powers to get the duke.

RESULT: “The Southern Gentleman” Brad Powers wins via pin w/ the Headcracker.

Afterwards Brad Powers locked Stevie Daniels in the Texas Cloverleaf again! The crowd roared with disapproval but then exploded as Colby Castle stormed the ring for the save! Colby and Brad eyed each other intensely before Brad departed to the locker room.

Colby and the referee checked on Stevie, who had to be stretchered out, as Joey Kidman thanked the fans in attendance for coming and announced that the next show would be on August 15, 2009!


  1. The Carolina Connection def. Aiden Land & Mario Petrelli (3:15)
  2. Chett “The Hangman” Hawkins def. Miguel Rodriguez (9:41)
  3. “The Gambler” Colby Castle def. Kumanji w/ Preston Booth, III (12:31)
  4. The Cruisers NC The 404 Mafia (12:35)
  5. “Big Texas” Billy Murdoch def. “Florida’s Finest” Andy Cade w/ The Lady Lila (0:11)
  6. “The Southern Gentleman” Brad Powers def. “Hotshot” Stevie Daniels (15:31)