Sunday, August 16, 2009

SCW Live Event Results 08.15.09

SCW Live Event – 08.15.09

Location: National Guard Armory in Winder, GA

The show kicked off with Joey Kidman welcoming the fans. Almost immediately “The Southern Gentleman” Brad Powers found his way over to the interview stage.

“Last time we were here I put that punk-nosed Daniels on ice. He’s injured and out of here! Now tonight, I’ve got that big, dumb, Texas-moron Billy Murdoch. Well let me tell you somethin’ Murdoch. Only two things come out of Texas, steers and queers. I don’t see any horns on you brother!”

Kidman, taken aback by the abrasive comments of Powers, was further shocked by the appearance of Colby Castle!

“Hey buddy, I’m starting to have a right big problem with ya. You think you’re a tough guy taking Daniel’s knee out like ya did? Well tonight, it ain’t gonna be that simple buddy. Chips are in Powers, and I think HIS cowboys are gonna kill your tens!”

With those words Castle pointed to the mammoth of a Texas looming behind Powers! Murdoch proceeded to level Powers with a stiff punch! After that, Murdoch grabbed Powers and tossed the Southern Gentleman into the ring!


[Southern Heritage Championship Tournament – Semi Finals]

“Big Texas” Billy Murdoch


“The Southern Gentleman” Brad Powers


Murdoch immediately laid waste to Powers with a vicious series of clubbing forearms! The Southern Gentleman tried to make way to the outside, but Big Texas wouldn’t comply! Murdoch continued his dominating effort, almost breaking Powers in half with a vicious powerslam. However, a well-placed thumb to the eye allowed Powers to turn the match in his favor. Powers slowed things down by working the leg, playing off the injury he gave Daniels. Ultimately, though, Murdoch valiant fought back and seemed ready to take win! Yet with the referee out of position, a swift kick below the belt gave Powers the opportunity to nail the Headcracker and get the pin to advance to the finals.

RESULT: “The Southern Gentleman” Brad Powers wins via pin w/ the Headcracker.

Joey Kidman tried to get a word from Powers, but Powers was uncharacteristically at a loss for them! Kidman then approached Murdoch, who had this to say:

“That sumbitch dun’ went and pissed off the wrong cowboy.”

As Murdoch left the ringside area, Joey Kidman properly ran down the card for the show. Kidman then called for the arrival of SCW owner, Ken Wisenbaker! Ken came out with the briefcase contained the SCW Southern Heritage Championship. Ken immediately addressed the fans.

“I want to say thank you to all of you for making this second SCW event a success. I’m happy that we have even more fans here tonight than two weeks ago! Like all wrestling, SCW will only go as far as you take us! We couldn’t do this without you, thank you! Now, let’s get on to business. When tonight is over we’ll have two finalists in the Southern Heritage Championship Tournament. These two finalists will have a resting period show before facing off against one another. So while they’ll participate in some fashion on our next live event, scheduled for August 29, the Southern Heritage Championship won’t be decided until September 12! On that night, we’re going to add a THIRD ROW to arena for the special occasion! Ticket prices will jump for it, which I know might not sound too appeasing, but I can guarantee you it will be well-worth the investment! Next order of business is the issue between the Cruisers and the 404 Mafia. I am happy to announce that I was able to come to an agreement with both teams and at the very next show, August 29, we’ll get the rematch that you want: the Cruisers vs. the 404 Mafia one more time!”

At this point, two very much disliked men made their way to ringside: Jeremy Anderson and Davey Jackson – The Carolina Connection! Davey took the mic from Wisenbaker, to say this:

“Look here Ken, no one cares about the thugs and no one cares about the pretty-boys. Jeremy and I want to know about this: when are we going to get some tag team gold put around our waists?”

Wisenbaker looked to respond, but Anderson cut him off.

“Look here you bunch of Bulldog-idiots! What you see here is the top tag team in the WORLD. Not just the South, not just the nation, but the WORLD. Now, I realize wholeheartedly that being #1 is something you bunch of idiots don’t get. How’s that 13 treating you anyway? Fact is, we want gold – and Ken, you better start providing it.”

With that, the Carolina Connection made their way to the ring where two students of the Tully Nixon School of Grappling awaited them!


The Carolina Connection (Jeremy Anderson & Davey Jackson)


Ted Harper & Kevin Magnus


The Carolina-natives made quick work of the two students. After spending a few minutes toying with and dominating Kevin, Magnus finally managed to tag in the unwilling Harper. A quick Compacter (bearhug/clothesline-combo) later, the Carolina Connection scored the victory.

RESULT: The Carolina Connection wins via pin w/ the Compacter.

After that Miguel Rodriguez made his way to the interview stage. Kidman asked the Star from South of the Border how he was feeling after last week’s unfortunate loss.

“No problemo esse! I’ve been beaten before but I always come back ready for more!”

After that quick word, Miguel got in the ring to face his opponent.


Aiden Land


Miguel Rodriguez


The match started off at a very brisk pace as both men tried to outmaneuver the other with their quick repertoire. The veteran-Rodriguez managed to outsmart the rookie-Land and from there on took control. A series of high octane moves had Land reeling, but to the student’s credit, he managed to kick out of both a sunset flip and a victory roll from Rodriguez! Rodriguez continued to poor on the punishment with a series of dropkicks only to be taken by surprised via a series of dropkicks from Land! Land seemed to have momentum on his side, but he made the cardinal rookie mistake of posturing too much for the crowd which allowed Rodriguez to nail an out-of-nowhere flying forearm! One frog splash later and Rodriguez picked up his first win in SCW.

RESULT: Miguel Rodriguez wins via pin w/ the Frog Splash.

Out next was the much-maligned Preston Booth, III with his Creature from the Congo, Kumanji. Kumanji looked on menacingly as Preston addressed the fans in attendance.

“It was by only the slimmest of margins that the “Fluke Gambler” Colby Castle squeaked out a win two weeks ago over my predator Kumanji. Castle, we ain’t forgotten about you boy, rest assured your time will come! Now let’s get onto other matters. I’m not at all satisfied with how things went last time out, so I called up Tully Nixon and told him to send someone over for my Creature of the Congo to tear apart. Then it came to me, and I said to myself: ‘Well hell Preston, ain’t a one of Nixon’s boys going to be able to take Kumanji. Tell him to send two.’ And that, my friends, is what you see in the ring presently. Two of Tully Nixon’s finest whoever they may be! Kumanji! Go rip ‘em in half!”




The Masked Rebels


In mere seconds Kumanji dismantled the tag team of the Masked Rebels. A Congo Splash on both men sealed their fate.

RESULT: Kumanji wins via pin w/ the Congo Splash.

Moore took the mic again.

“Let this be a lesson to everyone who’s watching! Kumanji is here and you best start clearin’ a path!”

At this point Joey Kidman called for an intermission and hyped the second half of the show.

As intermission proceeded, the 404 Mafia made their way to the interview stage. Taken aback by this surprise appearance, Kidman offered K-Murda the microphone.

“Now last time we was here, those crackas da Cruisas got all up in our bidness. We ain’t da ones to mess wit’. Last weekend, me and Shan was at the house playin’ spades wit’ some real hard nuccas, and when dem motherfuzzas tried to renig, well, they ain’t walkin’ too pretty right, knowatimean? Dat’s just how we do thangs in the 4-0-4. Those Cruisas want to start shit, we gon’ finish it.”

That was enough to bring out Mikey Cox and Jimmy Swann, collectively known as the Cruisers, who had very little to say and plenty of punches to throw! The brawling erupted all over the interview area, with Cox and K-Murda eventually rolling into the ring. With that, the bell was called for an intermission was over!


Mikey Cox




Less of a wrestling match and more of a brawl, the action kicked off hot and heavy! Neither man seemed to gain an advantage over the other as they pounded the snot at of one another. The heavier, more powerful K-Murda eventually gained the advantage with a well-timed high knee strike. From there, K-Murda used every underhanded tactic in the book to dominate Cox.

Having finally been separated, Swann and Lil’ Shan remained on the outside to motive their respective partners. Shan’s motivation, however, ended up being a little more hands out. K-Murda would distract the referee, allowing Shan to nail the unsuspecting Cox!

K-Murda used a rear chinlock to slow down the much faster Cox. Swann however managed to get the crowd into the match, and the fiery fans managed to motivate Cox to fight out of the hold! With a series of dropkicks and a diving legdrop from the second turnbuckle, it seemed as though Mikey Cox had finally pushed the momentum in his favor! Mikey attempted the pin, but Lil’ Shan distracted the referee! Around the way came Jimmy Swann to remove Shan from the equation, but doing so allowed K-Murda to blitz Cox with a foreign object! K-Murda nailed a gourdbuster to follow up, just in time for the referee to return his attention to the match and count the pinfall.

RESULT: K-Murda wins via pin w/ a gourdbuster.

The 404 Mafia escaped as Jimmy Swann checked on his partner. After awhile, both men approached the interview stage. Swann decided to speak for his hurt partner.

“Tell me why I’m not surprised at what just happened Kidman? Tell me why! I’ll tell you why! That 404 Mafia? They ain’t nothing but a bunch of two-bit thug punks. Well hey you all heard Wisenbaker earlier. We get you next time out Mafia! And if you think we’re coming at you with anything less than the intention of teaching your ass some manners, well you got another thing coming!”

At that point the Cruisers left the interview stage.

Out next was “Florida’s Finest” Andy Cade, with the Lady Lila. Cade, who is never short for words, took the microphone from Joey Kidman.

“It’s always tough to be a man like me in this business. I’m a hard-working man. Yet everything I do right, someone else comes and does wrong. Take that idiot Billy Murdoch for example. There I am in that ring, warming up. That stupid Texan comes barging in and kicks me before the bell even rings! And you idiots cheer him! [The crowd, of course, responded very favorably to Billy Murdoch and even begun a small “Murdoch” chant!] That’s fine, because you’re nothing but a bunch of uneducated Georgia-fans. Well I got news for you. Just like my good friend, Tim Tebow, I play by the rules and I’m a winner. Not only that, but I’m a honorable man too! I would NEVER kick a man when wasn’t looking and I would NEVER quit my team to go play for Detroit or Denver! And you! FAT BOY! Quit looking at her! I’ll come over there and slap the tobacco out your mouth you dumb idiot!”

With that, Andy Cade entered the ring.


Andy Cade w/ Lady Lila


Derek Little


Before the bell could be signaled for, Andy Cade leveled Derek from behind! Cade followed up with a series of boots to the face of the Tully Nixon-student. Cade continued to dominate the match with strong athletic prowess. It appeared that the Florida-born ego could be backed up! Cade demolished Little with a series of vicious backbreakers, before nailing Little with the Blindsider (a forward Russian legsweep) to get the win.

RESULT:Florida’s Finest” Andy Cade wins via pin w/ the Blindsider.

Having apparently not said enough, Andy Cade took the mic again.

“Is that the best you bunch of inbred hicks have to offer? Certainly someone can come out here, fight me fair, and give me a challenge right?”

The crowd was happy to cheer for the man who approached the interview stage. It was none other than Miguel Rodriguez!

“Hey esse, you want a challenge? No problemo! Next time we’re here, we get in that ring and have it out. It’ll be la peor experiencia de tu vida; the worst experience of your life!”

Andy Cade nodded in approval, almost nonchalantly, before leaving.

Kidman announced the participants for the next match.


The Baker Brothers (Eric & Jeff Baker)


Sammy Jones & Matt Trainor


The incredibly popular Baker Brothers made short work of the students, which was somewhat par for the course for the evening. They quickly nailed the Skyliner (an electric chair/flying clothesline-combo) on Trainor for the win.

RESULT: The Baker Brothers win via pin w/ the Skyliner

Afterwards, Eric and Jeff approached the interview stage. Eric started the promo.

“There is nothing better in the world than to perform in front of a bunch of the Bulldog Nation! Well, well let me take that back. There is one thing. That one thing is taking a pair of Carolina sissy boys and showing them how the Bulldog Nations runs. I heard what Jackson and Anderson had to say earlier and it made my blood boil. And when my blood boils I hurt people Kidman. I’m looking to hurt you Jeremy Anderson. I’m looking to hurt you Davey Jackson. Consider the challenge as thrown out there boys! The Baker Brothers are coming for you! Tell ‘em what we’re goin’ to do to ‘em Jeff!”


The crowd popped huge at those words and the Baker Brothers exited the interview stage.

At last the time for the main event came and Kidman announced the participants.


[Southern Heritage Championship Tournament – Semi-Finals]

“The Gambler” Colby Castle


Chett “The Hangman” Hawkins


With a chance at being the first Southern Heritage Champion, neither man held back. The match kicked off as a bit of a brawl. Both men traded punches, kicks, chops, and high impact moves.

As Hawkins began to swing momentum in his favor, Castle gamely changed his style to wrestling. Easily, the Georgia-native outclassed the huge Texan when it came to matwrestling. However, the wily Hawkins would not be outdone and, utilizing a swift rake to the eye, took control.

Hawkins managed to dominate the crowd favorite-Castle using various high impact moves, like a gorilla press slam at one point, mixed in with various weardown holds, like a claw-hold. The fans tried to rally behind Colby, who indeed managed to fight out of said clawhold, but a quick discus punch took the Gambler right back down! Hawkins locked Castle in a full-nelson and it seemed that “The Hangman” had secured him a spot against Brad Powers.

The fans continued to motive Castle, however, who managed to turn Hawkins’ submission hold against him (Hawkins) by diving towards the turnbuckle and driving Hawkins’ head first into it!

Both men went at it full-force, with Castle being driven by a second wind! A flying clothesline from the top turnbuckle came very close to scoring the pinfall for Castle, but Hawkins wasn’t yet ready to give in. The two continued to brawl, but an errant lariat from Hawkins nearly decapitated the referee! Colby capitalized on the hesitant Hawkins and nailed the Texan with his Royal Flush! However no referee was able to make the count.

Castle tried to stir the referee and finally did manage to awaken him. However, with the referee looking on, Castle turned around only to be DRILLED with the cowbell that hung from Hawkins’ trusty bullrope! The referee immediately called for the bell!

RESULT: “The Gambler” Colby Castle wins via DQ after being hit by a cowbell

Blood began to trickle from Castle’s forehead as Hawkins lifted “The Gambler” up and nailed him with a vicious Texas Tower Bomb! The referee tried to stop Hawkins, but was knocked out for his efforts! Another Texas Tower Bomb was enough to full incapacitate Castle, which allowed Hawkins to hang the Georgia-native with the bullrope! A bevy of referees and fellow wrestlers managed to run Hawkins off.

As officials checked in on Colby Castle, Joey Kidman lamented:

“I have no idea why Hawkins would cost himself a shot at the Southern Heritage Championship folks. Maybe we’ll find out next time.”


1. "The Gentleman" Brad Powers def. "Big Texas" Billy Murdoch (11:15)

2. The Carolina Connection def. Ted Harper & Kevin Magnus (5:32)

3. Miguel Rodriguez def. Aiden Land (8:41)

4. Kumanji w/ Preston Booth, III def. The Masked Rebels (0:52)

5. K-Murda def. Mikey Cox (13:50)

6. "Florida's Finest" Andy Cade w/ Lady Lila def. Derek Little (6:43)

7. The Baker Brothers def. Sammy Jones & Matt Trainor (0:30)

8. "The Gambler" Colby Castle DQ Chett "The Hangman" Hawkins (15:43)