Saturday, August 29, 2009

SCW Live Events Results 08/29/09

SCW Live Event – 08.29.09
Location: National Guard Armory in Winder, GA

Joey Kidman came out to run down the card to start the show. The crowd was hot in anticipation of the latest showdown between the Cruisers and the 404 Mafia. Kidman also reminded the fans of the questionable ending to the Hawkins/Castle match on the last show. These statements brought out Colby Castle, whose ribs were taped up.

“I know a lot of rumors are going around right now about what the Hell that big, dumb, Texan was thinking last time we were here. Hell, I want to know what Hawkins was thinking. But right now, I got more important things to ruminate over Kidman. It’s me and Powers at the final table when we come back here on September 12. The purse? The Southern Heritage Championship. That’s a belt I’d like to have Kidman ---“

Castle found himself cut off by his opponent in the finals of the Southern Heritage Championship tournament, Brad Powers.

“Listen up Colby, because I’m about to give you the deal of a lifetime. Everyone knows that the ‘Southern Gentleman’ is loaded to bare, by which I mean: richer than your aunt after a night with, well, you fill in the blanks buddy. I’m laying down the offer right now: $500,000. Take it, walk away, go play poker in Louisiana with that fat idiot Belue, I don’t care. All you have to do is, walk away.”

Castle laughed and shook his head before slapping the taste from Powers’ mouth!

“Who the Hell do you think you are Powers?”

Powers didn’t answer, instead letting opting to let 370 lbs of Chett Hawkins do the talking for him! Castle was blindsided by the big, burly Texan. While Hawkins laid the boots to Castle, Powers re-took the microphone.

“You should have taken the payoff idiot! You should have been smart like Hawkins and taken the payoff! Instead, you can just pay big!”

Powers joined in on the ambush but was quickly sent scurrying by the arrival of none other than Billy Murdoch! Murdoch and Hawkins came face-to-face and quickly to blows! The massive men staggered one another with vicious punches left and right! A swarm of referees and wrestlers ended up separating the two and Hawkins finally left the interview stage.

The calamity brought out SCW owner Ken Wisenbaker.

“I tell you what, you four men want to beat the Hell out of one another? Well tonight it’ll be Castle and Murdoch taking on Powers and Hawkins!”

The crowd, Murdoch, and Castle responded favorably. With the energy of the crowd amplified, Kidman announced the opening match.

The Baker Brothers (Eric Baker & Jeff Baker)
Ted Harper & Derek Little

The smash-mouth, UGA-grads were not in the ring for pleasantries. While Eric suplexed Harper out of his britches, Jeff managed to take out Little with various kicks. The end result was a Skyliner on Harper for a Baker Brothers’ victory.

RESULT: The Bakers Brothers win via pin w/ the Skyliner.

Jeff and Eric approached the interview stage to have a few words. Eric grabbed the mic.

“Now don’t this just beat all Joey Kidman? Two straight shows the fans have to listen to those little sissies out of the Carolinas, the Carolina Connection, about how ‘great’ they are. Well, we challenge ‘em, and damned if those two idiots don’t even bother to show up today. Well, hey, what do you expect from sissies like them? They might not be here today, and they might not even be here next time, but before long they gonna run into the Bulldawg Nation, and what are we gonna do to ‘em then Jeff?”


“’Atta boy.”

After the Baker Brothers left ringside, Joey Kidman announced that the next match would be the big one the fans have waited for. Joey went over the history thus far of the Cruisers and the 404 Mafia, before doing the announcing duties.

The 404 Mafia (K-Murda & Lil’ Shan)
The Cruisers (Mikey Cox & Jimmy Swann)

Right away the action was all over the place as both teams tore into one another. While K-Murda and Cox paired off outside the ring, Swann and Shan traded high-risk maneuvers inside. Eventually the referee gained control of the action, finally getting Cox and K-Murda in their respective corners.

Using their quickness, the Cruisers quickly took control over Shan. Using a swinging neckbreaker (by Cox)/fistdrop (by Swann)-combo, it seemed the Cruiser might score the early pinfall. K-Murda broke up the pin, and the chaos caused by his interference was enough for Lil’ Shan to nail Swann low and turn the tide.

From there on, the 404 Mafia maintained control. Using a bevy of impressive tag team maneuvers, such as a leapfrog body guillotine (by Shan) with K-Murda holding Swann, as well as numerous cheating tactics, the 404 Mafia dominated the match. A vicious high knee strike by K-Murda seemed to spell the end, but Swann wouldn’t stay down.

Swann managed to counter a diving shoulderblock from Lil’ Shan with a dropkick that seemed to take both men out. K-Murda, however, prevented the tag allowing the 404 Mafia to continue their assault. The 404 Mafia were unmerciful in their methodical beating on Swann, but Jimmy was able to dodge a bullet when he ducked a big boot from K-Murda and tagged in Cox!

Cox exploded into the ring like a ball of fire, taking it to both members of the 404 Mafia. Cox almost scored the pinfall over Shan with a vicious powerslam, but K-Murda made the save. Swann evened things up, but the Mafia quickly disposed of Cox to the outside. With the momentum and odds back on their side, the Mafia tore into Swann. They attempted an assisted gourdbuster, but Swann kicked Shan away and planted K-Murda with a bulldog!

With Shan dazed, Swann clotheslined the smaller member of the Mafia to the outside! Meanwhile in the ring, Mikey Cox dropped from the second turnbuckle with a legdrop. He would have won the match easily at that point, but the referee was out of position. Cox went to argue with the referee, but was caught with a lowblow by K-Murda and then a gourdbuster. That got the 404 Mafia the duke.

RESULT: The 404 Mafia win via pin w/ the gourdbuster.

Lil’ Shan entered the ring and with K-Murda began to stomp away at Mikey Cox. Jimmy Swann sent them fleeing, however, with a steel chair. As they departed the ringside area, Jimmy yelled:

“This ain’t over!”

Joey Kidman announced an intermission.

As fans returned with food, snacks, and t-shirts from intermission, none other than “Florida’s Finest” Andy Cade made his way to the interview stage. Noticeable by her absence, was one Lady Lila.

“I can already tell, every one of you inbred hicks would like to know where the ‘Lovely’ Lady Lila is, right? Well I’ll tell you: she got sick of you fat, ugly, plowboy hillbillies staring her up-and-down every time she came out here! She got fed up with you! Yeah! I told her, ‘Baby stay home, I’ll handle the Taco Kid by myself.’ And that, my friends, is precisely what this young, black, Florida boy intends to do.”

“Florida’s Finest” Andy Cade
Miguel Rodriguez

The action got underway quickly, as both men traded wrestling holds that you simply just don’t see enough of these days. Whenever one man seemed to have the advantage over the other, the other would simply produce a counterhold to re-take the lead. Several times both men found themselves at a stalemate.

After not being able to gain momentum over Rodriguez, Cade took a powder to the outside to collect his thoughts. The fans got riled up with Cade’s tactics. Back in the ring both me continued to trade moves, with neither gaining the advantage. That is, until, Andy made an uncharacteristic rookie mistake, and the veteran Rodriguez drilled him with a jumping, Tornado DDT!

Rodriguez, with the momentum on his side, took to the air with a missile dropkick that somehow the referee ended up in front of (conveniently dodged by Cade). With the referee out, Cade took the opportunity to use just about every dirty trick in the book. By the time the referee came around, “Florida’s Finest” was in firm control with an abdominal stretch. Further to the point, with the referee out of position, Cade used the top rope for extra leverage! Finally he was caught in the act, and the referee forced a break of the hold.

Little good it did the Man from South of the Border, as Cade continued to keep momentum with a series of backbreakers. Despite his best efforts, however, Cade could not secure a pinfall. In fact, Rodriguez managed to surprise Cade by countering a Samoan drop with a sunset flip! It didn’t get the pin, but it gave Rodriguez enough pep in his step to blitz Cade with a flying forearm!

Rodriguez went up top for the frog splash, but Cade pulled the ref in front of him again. Rodriguez hesitated, and with the referee distracted, a fan quickly shot up onto the apron and sprayed some kind of mist into Rodriguez’s eyes! Rodriguez tumbled to the mat, where Cade quickly rolled him up with a schoolboy for the win!

RESULT: “Florida’s Finest” Andy Cade wins via pin w/ a schoolboy roll-up.

While referees tended to Rodriguez in the ring, Kidman quickly caught the “fan” and Cade as they tried to make a quick getaway. As they sprinted off, Kidman grabbed at the fan’s hat and tugged it off, revealing none other than Lady Lila! The duo made haste to avoid cameras.

As Rodriguez was assisted to the back, fans quickly turned sour as Preston Booth, III made his way to the interview stage with his “Creature from the Congo” Kumanji.

“Another show, another payday, another step in the direction of success for my monster Kumanji. I’m telling you now Kidman, NO ONE can stop him!”

Kumanji w/ Preston Booth III
Owen Mack & B.J. Wood

A few headbutts, a gorilla press slam, and a Congo Splash spelled quick victory for Kumanji.

RESULT: Kumanji wins via pin w/ the Congo Splash

Preston returned to the interview stage.

“I’m telling you! I’m telling you! NOTHING can stop Kumanji!”

The fans were given an opportunity to go for snacks or the restroom as Kidman hyped the upcoming show which would feature the finals of the Southern Heritage Championship Tournament, Colby Castle taking on Brad Powers!

“The Gambler” Colby Castle & “Big Texas” Billy Murdoch
Chett “The Hangman” Hawkins & “The Southern Gentleman” Brad Powers

The match started out with Hawkins and Murdoch, who took very little time in laying into one another with stiff punches. Back and forth they went, with neither Texan willing to stand down.

Hawkins took control first, catching Murdoch offguard by countering a wildly-swung punch with a full-nelson slam. Powers tagged in and went to work on Murdoch’s leg. However, Powers was no match for the big Texan and found himself hanging high in the air via a stalling suplex! Hawkins quickly tagged in Castle, but Powers was quick to tag back out.

With his ribs injury fresh in his mind, Castle didn’t back down from Hawkins. Castle took control quickly with a series of arm drags, which was followed up with a missile dropkick from the second turnbuckle. However, a momentary distraction from Powers allowed Hawkins to damn near decapitate Castle with a lariat!

Powers was happy to tag in now and immediately went to work on Castle’s ribs. Thus, the match progressed in such fashion as Powers and Hawkins utilized quick tags to work Castle over. The vastly popular Castle would not give in, however, despite being locked in a bearhug by Hawkins for almost two minutes! Castle fought out and tied Hawkins up with an inside cradle for two. Quickly the Gambler tagged out and Murdoch exploded into the ring with a big boot for Hawkins!

Again, the two longhorns battled it out, but this time it was a blind tag by Powers that allowed him to clip the big Texan from behind. Again, the team of Powers and Hawkins utilized quick tags and went to work on Murdoch’s leg. It seemed that all was lost when Powers managed to grab Murdoch’s tree-like legs in a Texas Cloverleaf!

“Big Texas” powered out, though, but Powers tagged in Hawkins who prevented Murdoch from tagging in Castle. Hawkins continued to dominate, working over Murdoch’s leg. It wasn’t until Murdoch ducked a tornado punch, which Hawkins gamely followed up with a lariat, that Murdoch nailed Hawkins with a lariat of his own! With both men down and out, they crawled for their respective corners. Chants of “Murdoch” rung in the air as Castle made the hot tag and the crowd exploded!

Castle flew into the ring as Powers tagged in, and then realized what he did! Castle went to town on the “Southern Gentleman” with lefts and rights! Powers tried to escape, but Castle brought Powers back to the middle of the ring with a German suplex! Hawkins tried to interfere, but Murdoch took him to the outside. The momentary distraction allowed Powers to kick Castle in the ribs and set up for the Headcracker! Castle, however, quickly countered out of it and DRILLED Brad Powers with the Royal Flush that earned him a pinfall victory!

RESULT: “The Gambler” Colby Castle & “Big Texas” Billy Murdoch win via pin w/ the Royal Flush

The brawl between Murdoch and Hawkins could not be contained to the ringside area and soon the two disappeared behind the curtains.

Meanwhile in the ring, Brad Powers finally came to. He found Colby Castle waiting for him, who informed him that he just beat him clean in the ring and then motioned he would be the first ever Southern Heritage Champion!

Kidman thanked the fans for attending and reminded them to come out to the next show for the finals of the Southern Heritage Championship tournament.

  1. The Baker Brothers def. Ted Harper & Derek Little (1:31)
  2. The 404 Mafia def. The Cruisers (19:09)
  3. “Florida’s Finest” Andy Cade def. Miguel Rodriguez (15:18)
  4. Kumanji w/ Preston Booth, III def. Owen Mack & B.J. Wood (0:20)
  5. “The Gambler” Colby Castle & “Big Texas” Billy Murdoch def. Chett “The Hangman” Hawkins & “The Southern Gentleman” Brad Powers (25:51)